Home Learning Lesson April 27- May 1

Bright Sunshiny Day in 2A!

Here is the link for this weeks lessons!


As always, if you have any questions please let us know!

Elizabeth and Ashley

We've been asked to let you know that some of our other teachers have blogs too!

Miss. Erin our skills/ behavioural resource teacher leads students through our focus sequences each week. https://ehpeterson.wordpress.com/

Mrs. MacDonald one of our music teachers has been updating the music blog with fun dance videos. https://glenstewartmusic.wordpress.com/

Mr. Meuse one of our physical education teachers has some great ideas to keep active on the P.E. blog. https://glenstewartpe.wordpress.com/

Mr. Sheehan has his Art Club videos posted on his YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg4oC51i9E1BOtUuBNBgbqA/videos


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