Homework Jan 20-24


We are continuing review this week as we are starting our Fundations program. Review this week is long o. o_e, oa, ow

1. mole
2. coat
3. goat
4. tote
5. note


We are continuing to practice our mental math addition strategies to 18 as part of our morning math routine. Students are working hard on explaining their thinking to me as they work through their problems.  Next steps for mental math strategies will be to discover how the addition strategies can help us with subtraction strategies! 

Over the next month we will also be focusing on place value, where we will be discussing and exploring the position of a digit.  Understanding the concept that ten ones is the same as one ten and  “When students understand place value they are able to think of a number, such as 37, not only as 3 tens and 7 ones, but also 2 tens and 17 ones.” (Grade 2 PEI Math Curriculum). 


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