Homework & a future Fun Day at GSP!

November 29 is Crazy Hair/ Hat Day at Glen Stewart Primary.

Kindergarten registration has begun for the 2020-2021 school year!

1. bug
2. saw
3. new
4. sheep
5. feed

We are focusing on long e (eep, eed, eat, etc.) this week! 


Our mathematicians will be working on addition and subtraction this week. We will explore the tool of a number line, while practicing. Students will have a chance to jump the number line in our class, as well as have their own number line at their desks. We will continue to review our mental math strategies. The students have been asked to explain their thinking, after completing addition questions. This is a great question you can ask your children at home. As a class, we created our own bag of “Math Tricks” be sure to ask your children what their favourite tricks are!


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