An official start-up date for the Breakfast Program has yet to be decided, but we hope to have it up and running soon. If parents are interested in volunteering, please email Dave Kerwin (
Foods Bans at Glen Stewart School Attention Parents and Guardians, Due to severe food allergies, the following items are not permitted inside Glen Stewart Primary. Additional items for specific classes will be added to this list and classroom teachers will communicate this directly as needed. Sesame-based food products including : Multi-Grain products such as: Multi-Grain Breads, Bagels, and Crackers. Foods containing sesame oil. Hummus Sushi Multi-Grain Bagels Sesame Seeds Please Note: White and whole wheat breads, bagels and crackers are permitted. Sunflower Food Products including : Sunflower Seeds Sun Butter Foods containing sunflower seeds; highly refined sunflower oils are permitted (chips, goldfish, etc.). All nuts and peanuts including: All tree nuts and tree nut spreads. All peanuts and peanut spreads. All products that are considered peanut substitutes such as Wow Butter. All seafood .
I forgot to mention that Mr. Sheehan now has a YouTube channel! Here is his latest drawing club video. Enjoy!
After 62 days your last day of at home learning is here! We just wanted to say how proud we are of you for working so hard both at school and at home. You are wonderful group of students and you were always a joy to teach. Keep being kind, patient, active, hard working, funny, artistic, adventurous and curious. You all brought a HUGE smile to our faces each and everyday. We hope you have an amazing summer. Thank you, parents and students, for working so hard to make the best of what ended up being a pretty crazy year! We'll see you next Tuesday, June 23 from 9:00- 9:45 am! ❤️ Mrs. Murnaghan and Mrs. MacLean Dot Art Dot Art Chalk Pastel Leaves Chalk Pastel Leaf Pattern Witches We made A LOT of poppies for our wreath Our wreath for the Remembrance Day Assembly Door Decorations at Christmas time Our Wish Tree ❤️ Heart Art Hot Chocolate Art How to Catch a Leprechaun Stations Leprechaun Trap ...
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